Friday, December 23, 2011

Frugal Living Tips

Living frugal doesn’t mean that life has to be boring. I have a passion for photography, but I don’t need the biggest lens and camera.  Even phone photography is very trendy now. The best camera is the one you have with you! Ask your parents or grand parents, they might have a old or even vintage camera with which you will look super trendy!

Often we drive by car to the corner store or to school. Walk more, do not take the car for a trip you can walk in 15-20 minutes. Plan ahead and walk. 
Save gas, burn some calories and be happier.

Take public transport more often, saves gas and its faster too!

Do you really need the latest phone? What will you do anyway? Make some phone calls and text a lot? So you don’t need the latest phone.  Keep your phone until it breaks down, it will serve the purpose. Make that extra money work for you in an investment or use it for your kid’s education…

Buy second hand. Get somebody who can judge technical specs and go for it.

Eat out less. Cook at home, its cheaper and tastes better, at least in my home

Having a lunch break at work? Bring your own sandwich from home.

Dress simple. I have 2-3 trousers and a couple of shorts. A handful of polos and that’s it. One suit with 2-3 shirts for the occasional job interview or business meeting. I still have trousers from 20 years ago! Good quality lasts longer.

Don’t buy online, it looks good and easy, but mostly these are spontaneous and unnecessary shopping sprees.

If you really need a credit card, pay your debt monthly. Under no circumstances let it accumulate! The interest will sky rocket.

Don’t make debt in the first place. If I don’t have money to buy something, I don’t buy it. 
I save until I can buy it.

Bored on a weekend? Do not go to the mall. Go for a walk, a stroll, a swim, a family picnic, read a book… have that extra little cash.

100 or more tv channels? How many channels are you actually watching?
Probably 1 or 2 news channels, a few movie and sports channels, something for the kids and not much more…  See if you can reduce the package and save!

Are you exercising regularly? Spending money on a gym subscription? Want to buy expensive shoes and gears? There are many ways to work out, by just using your body weight! 
Google it!

Quit smoking! It’s expensive, not only today when you pay for it, but also in future when you check into the hospital with all kind of health problems.

The same for alcohol, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a beer in the evening, but I will have 1 or 2, and only sometimes. An occasional party or an evening with some friends are ok, but if are used to drinking daily, stop now! You will save a ton and improve your health.

Water! Drink more water and less soft drinks, coffee, alcohol or other fancy sports or energizer drinks. Coconut water has more electrolytes than most expensive sports drinks! Not only will you save money, it is also much healthier.

Run your errands in batches. Do not take the car just to pay the phone bill. Combine the trip with shopping or other tasks. That way you save on time, gas and money.

Do it yourself! The internet is full of very useful info on how to make this and that. 
It’s fun and it’s cheaper.

Yes, convenience food is convenient! But it’s also more expensive than homemade food. 
I make my own convenience food, I cook in batches and keep some frozen. The next time if I have no time or am too tired to cook, I don’t have to go out and buy expensive restaurant food, I can prepare a quick meal with my backup stocks.

My wife cuts my hair.  Nobody ever noticed. Or at least nobody told me
Thank you!


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