Friday, January 20, 2012

Take Control of Your Future

Almost all of us wants to be sexy or macho, strong and healthy. But, just like being physically fit and healthy, being financially fit is not that easy at all. It needs a lot of sacrifice and discipline plus planning to be able to reach our goal. 'Sacrifice', in the sense that we delay our "wants" today and invest first and grow our money. Bro. Bo said, that, "Its either you have money now or you will have money forever." "Discipline" is needed to be able to set aside a regular amount for your financial goals, may it be short term or for the long term goal which is for your retirement. "Planning", as its only through good planning that you will be able to map out a clear financial future and reach your ultimate goal of financial freedom!

Everyone has different goals, depending on their needs! So there is no "one" solution for everyone. Different challenges, calls for different solutions! And as we go through life, our status and family changes, like from being single to getting married and then to having children, that's why we have to continually revise our plan and do financial check-ups along the way. Here's a guide below:

                                            * Courtesy of IMG


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